If you are struggling to lower your cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, or improve your gut health and lose weight, here’s why:
...if you ever want to live a long and healthy life!
If you’re like more people who struggle to keep your important health markers in check. Or are not sure what to feed your family so you can avoid the chronic diseases your parents and grandparents have had, then reading this letter will be the most important thing you do in your life today!
From Alisia Essig,
Plant-Based Nutritionist
There is a “rite of passage” to living a long and healthy life. There’s simply no way around it! No society that has the most centenarians (people who live to be 100 years old and older) has ever avoided it!
And at one point or another, if you're actually committed to living a long and healthy life, you’ll have to follow this way of living too.
What is this “rite of passage?”
Well, unfortunately for me, it took my husband having a stroke before I even figured out what I was missing. The stroke affected his vision and he couldn’t work or drive for months. He was just 37 years old and we had 6 kids 8 years old and younger at the time (including twin 9 month old boys).
After my husband had his stroke the doctors couldn’t tell why this had happened to someone so young (he had no hole in his heart, no heart arrhythmia, no genetic issue). When we left the hospital we were just given a piece of paper that said we needed to follow a heart healthy diet from here on out.
I reached my breaking point and was willing to do whatever it took. I had previously lost my 55 year old father to his one and only heart attack. I was grateful that with my husband we at least got a warning.
As I prayed to God and asked for guidance I was led to dive deeper to understand the Word of Wisdom (a health code that members of my faith try to follow). While I had always lived true to the don’ts of the Word of Wisdom (no alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or coffee) I hadn’t been as great at focusing on the do’s (eat more herbs, whole grains and plants, eat meat sparingly–only in times of need). I realized that if we were going to see the miracles in my husband’s health that I had been praying for, I should be willing to follow all of God’s guidance, and
- Eat more plants (fiber only comes from plants)
- Eat less meat
If your health journey has been anything like mine was, you probably start with this:
“I need to lose weight and be healthier to improve my important health markers!”
Quickly followed by, “And I don’t know how!”
And the more you learn how to do it, that voice in your head turns from,
“I don’t know how.” to:
“I don’t know if I have what it takes!”
There’s only so much failure and struggle that you can endure before that voice in your head answers that question of, “Do you have what it takes” with a “NO.”

You can read every single book on the planet, watch every single documentary, and watch every youtube and instagram video…
You can learn everything about everything nutrition….
… and STILL not make lasting changes to your health until you have the right answers to just two simple questions:
Am I eating enough fiber?
Am I eating meat sparingly, and getting enough protein?
It is very rare that anyone (including you!) can live a long and healthy life, without chronic disease, unless they are eating enough fiber.
And until you have a system in place to eat enough fiber from whole plant foods… you won’t get the results that you desire.
EVERY single society with the most centenarians on our planet live a 90-95% plant-based diet. They consume enough fiber by prioritizing whole plant foods.
No society that prioritizes animal protein over plants even compares to the health and longevity of those who live in the Blue Zones (pockets of cities in the world that have the most amount of people who live the longest). Eating more animal products does not give you the same protection that eating more plants gives you.
After a heart attack, doctor’s don’t say, “You were eating too many vegetables!”
NO! They say, “You need to cut down on saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and eat more fiber!”
And if your doctor hasn’t already been saying that to you...
...it’s only a matter of time!
So, when you can answer these two vital questions with confidence, clarity, and absolute certainty, congratulations! You too will have joined the ranks of the few who make it through this rite of passage and live a long and healthy life!
In order to get there you must, must, must:
- Know how to eat enough fiber, AND
- Choose to eat meat sparingly
With personal experience after my husband’s stroke, and with the real results of lowering my husband’s cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure through a plant based diet, I want to help you solve BOTH of these problems so you can finally get on doing what you were put here to do AND THRIVE!
If you made it a priority to eat enough fiber and got your protein from plants...
....would you still struggle with your cholesterol, triglycerides or blood pressure?
...would you still struggle with gut health?
...or struggle losing weight?
...would you finally OWN your health?!
...and have more energy than you know what to do with?
...And how you could help and serve others more once you are in a better place?
And if you could improve all your important health markers, and reduce your risk of chronic disease, imagine all the good years in life you will get to live…
...if you could run or walk without getting tired?
....and if you could manage with grace all the burdens that life puts on your shoulders…
...who would you be showing up and serving more?!
...and would you be lit up and fulfilled by all the progress and results you are finally making?!
By now, you’re probably noticing that so many of the “health woes” you’re experiencing can be connected back to these two sneaky culprits:
Not Eating Enough Fiber, &
Eating too Many Animal Products.
So... are you ready for your Rite of Passage?
Are you ready to finally overcome these two MASSIVE hurdles that hold far too many big-hearted amazing people back from long lasting sustainable health?
If it’s a resounding, “YES!” then here’s how I can help:
Join the Empowered by Plants Membership
These trainings, courses and videos found in the membership have already helped hundreds go on to improve important health markers, have better gut health, tighten their core and lose weight sustainably…. and now it’s your turn!
 The PlantWhys Empowered by Plants Monthly Membership

The PlantWhys Membership
Over the past few years I have seen so many people learn why plant based eating is good for them. They have bought the books and have some education. But they stay stuck and their health never improves much beyond those thoughts in their head.Â
This means if they never apply what they have learned, they won’t get the benefits that this incredible knowledge brings—like weight loss, and a longer, healthier life, free of pain and chronic disease.
It is for that reason that I wanted to help as many people as possible learn the HOW of plant-based eating so I can help you get your results even faster. I wanted to create a membership that was affordable, so anyone could join and get the support they need.
Learning HOW to cook plant-based meals and HOW to build a plate that will help you lose weight is ESSENTIAL. And when you finally do unlock these new skills and overcome the roadblocks keeping you stuck, just consider how many opportunities and health benefits will immediately unravel for you.
In our membership you will...
- Discover how to plate your plate so you can eat plant-based AND lose weight.
- Learn how to cook plant focused meals with ingredients you already have in your fridge and pantry so you can drop the overwhelm.
- Gain the clarity you need around your mindset, so you can finally drop the limiting beliefs that are preventing you from staying on track and making lasting change.Â
- Learn how to ease into plants comfortably so you gut has time to adjust to more fiber without excess bloating and gas
- Build a strong core and pair exercise that supports your body as you age.Â
When you sign up for our membership you will immediately get access to:
The 6 Week Jumpstart Course with a clear step by step success path! (most people lose 1-2 pounds a week doing Jumpstart)
The Jumpstart Meal guide (not offered anywhere else). So you can build meals that will keep you full and help you lose weight.
 Mindset Accountability Calls with Ali!
Meal plan building with recipes and recorded cooking classes that you will love!
Live cooking classes so you can ask questions and get the skills and support you need.Â
Life coaching calls with certified life coaches to help you unlock the thoughts that are keeping you stuck.Â
An engaged community with challenges and prizes!
Strong core and more Fitness classes!
 A monthly book club!
BONUS: The most incredible free gift ever–the No Recipe Cookbook!
 The PlantWhys Empowered by Plants Annual Membership

When you commit to the annual membership you get TWO HUGE bonuses!
Bonus #1 The Empowered by Plants Signature Course:
The Empowered by Plants Course doesn’t just show you how, it teaches you WHY. You will not only get everything that comes with the membership, but you will gain the education along with it.
Do you really need as much protein as everyone says? (you don't). We will help you find the truth in dietary trends. You will learn more about the microbiome and how it plays a key role in your health. You will learn how to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke. You will learn how to lose weight on a plant-based diet. How to improve athletic performance and fertility.
You will find out how to feed children and large groups as well as how politics plays a role in what you decide to eat. And how eating this way can have a significant positive impact on the environment. We also examine other holistic approaches to health like stress management, sleep, thought patterns, and exercise. You will discover the importance of intuitive eating and spiritual healing. I also teach you about mindfulness, especially as it relates to eating. And you will learn how to finally overcome emotional eating.Â
Bonus #2 ALL the Seasonal PlantWhys Meal Guides!
Get access to the best of the best plant-based recipes we offer! All our seasonal meal guides come with over 100 recipes, weekly shopping lists, FODMAP ratings--and easy swap outs so you know what to do to not get gassy if you are sensitive :)
These recipes were developed by the PlantWhys team with you in mind. We have shared our favorite go-to recipes with you in mind to make your plant-based journey as smooth and delicious as possible! Â
When you sign up for our annual plan, you will immediately get:
Access to EVERYTHING in the membership
Bonus #1 Access to our signature course which includes 31 guides and videos spread over 6 in-depth modules, weekly goals, and health audits at initial onset and upon finishing the course
Bonus #2 Access to all our seasonal meal guides!!!
Our simple step-by-step system that not only gives you the knowledge of why this works, but the wisdom of putting it all into practice quickly and easily. Best part of all, it doesn’t require you to count calories or macros or to workout for hours every day.
Not Quite Ready to Commit to the Membership?

Then Check out our Mini-Courses and Meal Plan Subscription!
If you just want help transitioning to a plant-based diet with a little bit of education, but don't feel like you need the community of our membership, then you will love this Mini-Course. Click HERE for our Plant-Based Pathway Mini-Course
If you just want help overcoming gas and bloating, or need support to strengthen your deep core and pelvic floor from Ali (a pilates instructor with almost 2 decades of experience) and Erin (a pelvic floor physical therapist) then you will love this mini-course. Click HERE for our Strong Core Happy Gut Mini-Course
And if you just came here for the food and just need help meal planning and want more tried and true DELICIOUS plant-based recipes, then click HERE for our Monthly Plant-Based Meal Plan Subscription
Confused by the options? Let's look closer at what you are getting at each level:

I know this is an investment, no matter which level you choose.
But please keep in mind that research has shown that most vegetarians spend $750 less per person per year on groceries, which is $23 in savings per week per person!
Eating vegan could slash your food costs by up to 33 percent. Going vegetarian could save you nearly as much as a vegan diet. You could even save about 14% by eating a flexitarian diet with lower amounts of dairy and meat. A flexitarian diet includes vegetarian meals, though you still eat meat occasionally.
With the rising cost in groceries, that savings is expected to rise.
Even just a few tweaks to your diet can be the difference that saves you thousands of dollars in your lifetime!
Chances are, you can already see what a BETTER diet will do for you, right?
And let’s not just look at your next grocery store trip...
...but for every trip to the grocery store moving forward... and for every other person in your family that you buy groceries for!


And look, the mistake most people make when it comes to their eating habits is they think if they just count their calories or macros and eat less for a short period of time that they will magically keep the weight off over time. But let me ask you…
What diet do you think creates the most lasting change? A diet focused on protein? A diet focused on fat? Or a diet focused on fiber????
If you guessed fiber, you were right.
Research shows that focusing your diet more on fiber rich foods (i.e. plants) creates the most LONG TERM change.
So if you eat this way long term, that is a savings of $750 a year, or $7,500 every 10 years and $15,000 every 20 years! And that is just for one person’s diet. Imagine if you have a family of 8 like I do!
And that doesn’t even take into account all the cost savings from future medical bills down the road.
If you join any of our programs and apply what you learn, in the end, you will not only save money, but gain energy, health, and obtain your optimal body size.
But don't take my word for it, check out the results our students are already experiencing!

Cay C.
I have been fully immersed in the PlantWhys program for almost six months now, and it has changed my life! I was that person who has a shelf FULL of books about eating plant-based! I have been drawn to that way of eating for so many years, for many reasons, but I just never could get motivated on my own, or figure out how to implement it in my life; especially because no one around me eats this way.
I feel like it was divine intervention that led me to Ali and her program. The minute I heard her story, I felt impelled to find out more. After an initial consult with her, I decided to make a leap of faith timewise and monetarily, and I have not regretted it for one single moment!
Not only have I learned about and experienced all the health benefits of eating plant-based, but I have learned how to live it in my everyday life. They walk us through everything step by step, and it is actually so easy! We have videos to show us how to cook, amazing coaches and a wonderful support group where we can chat, ask questions, work through challenges, share recipes, and just be encouraged and accountable with the goals we set. Plus there is a weekly training with Ali where I have learned so much!
She doesn’t just address the eating part of it, she also teaches some amazing mindfulness lessons, and provides meditations and exercise videos too. It has been incredible to see how this program has changed and evolved just in the six months I have been in it! They are adding more and more valuable things every day, and I cannot recommend it enough!
I’m turning 65 this month, and I intend to eat this way for the rest of my life! My cholesterol is dropping, I’ve lost 12 pounds without even trying, and I’m just excited to continue this wonderful health journey!! I feel better than I have in years, and I will be forever grateful that I found the PlantWhys program!

Shalyn T.
There are certain things that mentally and emotionally the class has helped me with. But also physically with food, pre-gaming on vegetables and feeling the difference in my body. I am now noticing that I ate a lot of sugar and CHEESE before. I can’t believe how much cheese I ate before and didn’t even realize it! But one of the benefits has been that after changing my diet, I am not getting migraines anymore.
I was stuck in a victim mentally, but this class helped me take back control. I looked forward to seeing everyone weekly. It carried me through the last 6 months.
I just LOVE how I FEEL. Whenever I talk to others and they tell me they have brain fog, I tell them about PlantWhys! My brain fog is gone. Unless I eat a lot of cheese or sugar then I will feel the brain fog again.
Something else I used to experience was anxiety before going to sleep every night. It would take me a long time to fall asleep and I would toss and turn. But after the class I stopped feeling anxious in the evenings and I can go right to sleep. There are so many ways that this course has blessed my life that I can’t even put all of them down on paper. I would have never realized that making a shift in so many little ways would have made such a big difference in my body.

I've been enrolled in the 6 months PlantWhys course for almost 5 months and I started the course having never been committed to a plant based diet. Immediately, I found community, support, accountability, encouragement, education, and realistic weekly goals and changes that are conducive to sustainable and lasting change.
The thing that helped me stick with it most was the focus on starting small. There's nothing about this course that pressures you to stop eating meat and dairy cold turkey. They want you to understand WHY you're doing it, and they also encourage doing it at a reasonable pace. One week you take cheese out of all of your lunches, and the next week you focus on just making all of your breakfasts plant based.
The course teaches useful topics each week and then she offers a deeper dive in a video that we watch during the week. She provides meal guides with recipes that you can experiment with. One of the best things about the course is the weekly zoom call and the GroupMe chat where we share wins and hard days and encourage each other in our goals, share recipes etc. I have learned so much, and I'm committed to transitioning and getting better and better every day.
If you are on the fence about whether you should take the course, it is WELL WORTH the money it costs. It's an investment into a healthier and happier and longer life for you to enjoy with your family. Sign up for the course, and COMMIT to giving it your all. You'll love it.

Carol A.
The most wonderful thing about this program is that you can’t really do it wrong. You just learn as you go, it is just a continual learning process. There is no wrong way and no shame involved. You just do your best and it feels so wonderful. I am learning to love where I am at and to appreciate what my body has taken me through. It is just such a positive thing no matter what. I am eating more vegetables and LOVING them. I use to not eat as many vegetables as I am now, but I am just loving how they feel in my body.

What I love about eating plant-based is there are so many things you can make that don’t require cooking in the traditional way. You just go with where you are at. If you don’t like to cook–then don’t! There are so many other ways to nourish your family. If you like making complex recipes then you can go for it, but if you like to keep it simple, you can do that too. Smoothies, grain bowls, or just chopping and adding more plants to the meal. The way I do plant-based doesn’t have to look like how Ali does it. There is a way this can work for you, and it is beautiful.

What I am grateful for with PlantWhys is just the knowledge that helps me make better informed decisions about what I am eating and also knowing what to do when different health things come up. Like when I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and I learned exactly what to do, and have reversed that. It has been really empowering to have this knowledge in my brain. I just have to do what I know I need to do and then I see results.

In this course I have lost weight, but even more than that, I have lost the weight of other people’s expectations.

Over the years, I have attempted to transition to a plant-based diet several times, but always ran into the same struggles leading to my failure. Sorting through all the contradicting, fear-based information was time-consuming, and conflicting. Although I have an amazing support system, I felt all alone in making these changes for my family and myself. Which made me feel isolated and overwhelmed. Failed recipes from random online sources with complicated ingredients and cooking instructions felt like a major setback when they didn't turn out. Plantwhys was key in me overcoming each struggle I had. Struggles didn't go away, my life was still mine, but Plantwhys provided everything I needed to overcome. The support Plantwhys provided through group messaging, once-a-week classes, personal coaching, and access to a dietitian helped me replace feelings of isolation and discouragement with support and encouragement. The course offered the structure I needed, providing me with the knowledge and confidence to stay motivated. The step-by-step layout met me where I was at making it possible to focus on the goals without pressure. The recipes were delicious and practical to shop for and make. For the first time, I enjoyed trying new foods and cooking in the kitchen. I will forever value the investment Plantwhys is.
How do you want to start your plant-based journey?
Let your path filled with empowerment, strength, energy, community and just plain FEELING GOOD start today! With PlantWhys as your guide, we'll make it easy, enjoyable, and customized specifically to you where you're at and where you want to be.