Vegan Protein Waffles/Pancakes

vegan breakfast vegan high protein vegan protein breakfast Apr 27, 2024

Vegan Protein Waffles/Pancakes
Makes: 8 waffles or 12 pancakes • Total Time: 20 mins • FODMAP rating: low

This recipe works for pancakes or waffles. It is so easy to put together and a great place to use that protein powder that has been sitting in your cupboard unused. You don't taste the protein (no matter what protein you use) and you can add any mix ins you desire. My favorite protein powder is Complement's unflavored vegan protein powder. (use code PLANTWHYS10 to save 10%). If you hate protein powder you can use powdered peanut butter powder instead for the added protein. 

1 cup wheat flour
1/3 cup vegan protein powder (any flavor)
1 1/3 cup soy milk (soy has a higher amount of protein, but any plant-milk works)
2 Tablespoons sugar or your preferred sweetener
1 Teaspoon cinnamon
1 Tablespoon baking powder
Mx-in's of choice:
Blueberries, nuts, or chocolate chips

1.Mix the dry ingredients together then add the milk and whisk together until everything is incorporated. Add any desired mix ins. 

2.Spray your pan or waffle maker and add the batter and cook.

3.Serve with fruit. It is usually sweet enough that you don't need to add maple syrup on top. I like to eat it like toast. You could also spread peanut butter on top and add a tiny bit of maple syrup.

*You can experiment with different types of flour, you may just need to adjust the milk until you get the right consistency. 


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