Vegan Grab and Go Breakfast Burritos

breakfast burrito grab and go breakfast high protein breakfast vegan breakfast burrito Apr 27, 2024

Vegan Grab and Go Breakfast Burritos
Makes: 8 • Total Time: 20 mins • FODMAP rating: low

If you need a savory and filling breakfast you can make ahead and then grab and warm up on the go in the mornings, then this is for you. Tofu has more protein than eggs, so this recipe is a great swap for your typical breakfast burrito. Feel free to add in any other veggie or mix in. The potatoes help to absorb any extra liquid so that the tortilla doesn't get soggy from the salsa or tofu. 

2 medium potatoes
1 package extra firm tofu
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon turmeric
dash of pepper
1 can drained and rinsed black beans
1 cup salsa
Handful of spinach 
8 tortillas
Optional: Hot sauce, more salsa, or ketchup
Wrap in aluminum foil to store

1.Wash, then microwave the potatoes for about 6 minutes.
2.Crumble the tofu over a pan, then cook on medium heat. Add the spices, salt, black beans and salsa. Then take the potatoes out of the microwave and cut them into cubes or even mash them a little. Add to the mixture, then top with a handful of spinach and mix until the spinach is cooked. 
3.Place the mixture in the middle of a tortilla and roll it up unto a burrito. Wrap aluminum foil around the burrito to store. 
4. Store in the fridge for 1 week or freezer for 3 months.


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