Vegan Eggy McMuffins

tofu vegan breakfast Mar 29, 2024
Vegan Eggy McMuffins

Vegan Eggy McMuffins
Servings: 4
Prep Time:5 min
Cooking Time:10 min
FODMAP Rating: low

You won’t believe how egg-like this tofu is! If you’re new to tofu, this is a fantastic first recipe for first-timers. It’s a delicious savory breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

1 package extra-firm tofu
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
¼ tsp turmeric
1 tsp garlic or onion powder
¾ tsp salt (try black salt if available)
black pepper to taste
4 whole wheat english muffins, sub out if gluten-free

1.Open the tofu, drain the liquid, and put it into a skillet, then turn onto high heat. Crumble the block of tofu with a fork.
2.Sprinkle nutritional yeast, turmeric, garlic or onion powder, and salt over the tofu, and mix and turn while cooking until it’s thoroughly coated and yellow like scrambled eggs. Season with black pepper.
3.Once the liquid has cooked off, remove from heat and serve on toasted English muffins. Hot sauce, green onions, or any other condiments you like with eggs would go well.

FODMAP Swap: Eat half an english muffin if it’s whole wheat
Gluten-Free: sub out muffins for a gluten-free alternative

*Don’t forget to preload on veggies before you eat!


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