Vegan Egg Salad Sandwich

egg salad pickles sandwich tuna salad May 25, 2024

Vegan Egg Salad Sandwich
Makes 4 servings  Time: 10 minutes FODMAP: low

You can make this sandwich with regular tofu, but it is honestly a little bit better with chickpea tofu if you can find it in your grocery store. (the texture of chickpea tofu is more like eggs). And you might want to add more mustard or mayo with regular tofu since it has a little bit less flavor. You can add this to a sandwich or a wrap is also really good.

1 package of chickpea tofu or regular tofu crumbled
1/2 Cup of Plant-Based Mayo
Tablespoons of Yellow Mustard
1/4 of a Red Onion, diced
Celery Stalks, dicedā 
Teaspoon of Garlic Powder
1 Teaspoon Dried Dill 
2/3 spears of Pickles, diced
Salt & Pepper to Tasteā 
Dash of turmeric for colorā 
Sprinkle of Everything But the Bagel Seasoning

Your favorite bread or wraps

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix to combine. Gently mash the tofu while keeping the larger chunks for texture. Enjoy as a sandwich, lettuce wrap or with crackers for a quick snack! ā 

Gluten-Free: Use alternative rolls or bread.  

*Don’t forget to preload on veggies before you eat!

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