Vegan Egg Roll in a Bowl

asian recipe cabbage egg roll in a bowl mushrooms Jul 10, 2024
Vegan Egg Roll in a Bowl

Vegan Egg Roll in a Bowl
Servings: 4 servings
Prep Time 25 mins
FODMAP: medium

Skip the fried egg roll wrapper and enjoy a bowl full of the filling!

1 onion, finely diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
1.5 tbsp grated fresh ginger
8 oz mushrooms, chopped
1 pkg tempeh or tofu, crumbled with your hands into the skillet (or 1 cup cooked lentils)
4 cups shredded cabbage (or 1 bag of coleslaw mix)
1 cup grated carrot (about 2 carrots, grated)
1/4 cup sliced green onion
3 tbsp soy sauce (or alternative)
1 tbsp sesame oil (can be omitted for fully oil-free)
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp rice vinegar (or any other vinegar)

For serving
Spicy Mayo (recipe provided), hoisin sauce, or peanut/satay sauce (make your own with hoisin + peanut butter)
chopped cilantro
chopped peanuts or sesame seeds
rice or cauliflower rice (optional)

Spicy Mayo--blend all together in a small bullet or high speed blender
1/2 cup raw cashews
5 tbsp water
1 tbsp lime juice
2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp sriracha sauce (more to taste)
2 tsp maple syrup

1.In a skillet, saute the onion, garlic, tempeh (or tofu or lentils) ginger and mushrooms until all liquid has cooked off, about 10 minutes.
2.While it's cooking, stir together the soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, and red pepper flakes to form a sauce.
3.Add the cabbage and carrots to the skillet. Saute for just a few minutes until the cabbage is just a little wilted. Remove from heat. Stir in the sauce.
3.Spoon into bowls and top with cilantro, spicy mayo or other sauce, chopped nuts or sesame seeds, and additional green onions. Serve with rice or cauliflower rice to make it heartier.

FODMAP swap: Sub leeks, green onion tops or chives for onion and garlic or keep onions <4 tsp a serving and garlic ¼ tsp per serving; less than half a cup of mushrooms, <3 ½ tsp of cashews a serving and <¼ cup of cauliflower

*Don’t forget to preload on veggies before you eat!


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