Sun Dried Tomato and Hummus Pasta

hummus pasta sun dried tomatoes May 17, 2024

Sun Dried Tomato and Hummus Pasta
Serves: 6 • Total Time: 30 mins • FODMAP rating: high

This recipe is a great on it's own, or even better with some vegan ground "meat" or sausage and a handful or two of spinach. The sauce has a pretty neutral flavor (depending on your brand of hummus) so you can add in more sun dried tomatoes to garnish and bring out more of that sun-dried taste if desired. 

1 16 oz box of pasta
1 red onion, chopped
7-9 sun dried tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 cloves minced garlic
1 cup hummus
1 teaspoon veggie bullion 
Red chili flakes and 7-9 more sun dried tomatoes to garnish
Salt to taste

Optional ingredients: Vegan ground sausage, handful or two of spinach. 



Cook the pasta according to package directions on the package.

Chop and water sauté onion in a pan until soft, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and tomatoes and cook for another 2 minutes. 

Transfer the garlic, onions and tomatoes into a blender. Add in hummus and 1/2 cup pasta water, plus 1 teaspoon veggie bullion and blend until smooth.

Transfer the blended sauce back into the pan and stir in pasta, adding more pasta water as needed to loosen the sauce and coat the pasta. Season to taste with salt and garnish with chili flakes and more chopped sun dried tomatoes. Option to cook vegan ground sausage or "meat" and add in along with a handful or two of spinach.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*FODMAP Swaps: Keep  portions to under 1/2 cup and increase as tolerated.


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