Potato and Leek Pie

Mar 11, 2024
Potato and Leek Pie

Potato and Leek Pie
Serves: 4 • Total Time: 1 hour • FODMAP rating: medium

This is a fun spring twist to the traditional mashed potato dish for Easter. Leeks are gentle on our digestive system, rich in flavonoids (antioxidants) and delicious paired with potatoes. You can make your own dough or buy it pre-made to save time. Omit the crust to make this a mashed potato side or pair the pie with a soup or salad.

pre-made crust or pie dough

2 cups or 1 leek, diced
2 cups carrots, shredded or julienned
3 cups or large potatoes, mashed
1 tablespoon no salt seasoning
⅓ cup nutritional yeast
½ teaspoon paprika, preferably smoked
½ to 1 cup water
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 375℉ and when heated, fork the bottom of the crust then bake on its own for 7 minutes then remove and set aside and reduce heat to 350℉.
Peel and dice potatoes and place in a pot to boil in water until soft and tender then drain.
Mash potatoes and flavor with salt, pepper, plant-based milk and vegan butter,optional, then set aside.
Water or oil sauté leeks, carrots with seasonings (nutritional yeast, seasoning, paprika, salt and pepper) and add water to keep vegetables cooking and to prevent sticking for about 8 to 10 minutes. The mixture needs to be moist but not dripping wet and the carrots should be soft and tender. Set aside.
Add vegetables from the pan with the mashed potatoes and gently mix together until well combined. Taste and add spices as desired.
Pour the contents of the bowl into the crust and bake in the oven for 40 to 45 minutes until the pie is set and edges are golden.
Let cool for 15 minutes or longer before slicing.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*Make the filling ahead of time and keep covered in the refrigerator up for no more than 24 hours
*Gluten-Free: Trader Joe’s has a ready made gluten-free pie crust or by Bob’s Red Mill Pie Crust mix or Pillsbury Refrigerated Pie or Pastry Crust for a gluten-free ready-made crust
*FODMAP Swaps: Use only the green part of the leeks; check no salt seasoning for garlic and onion and use appropriate substitutions and/or start with ½ teaspoon per serving and increase as tolerated

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