Olive Oil Vegan Cookies

cookies oilive oil vegan cookies Aug 06, 2024

Olive Oil Vegan Cookies
Makes 12 Cookies • Total Time: 20 minutes: • FODMAP Rating: low

Stop using butter in your cookies! Olive oil is so much better for you and you don't even taste the difference! Olive oil is heart healthy, full of antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory and lower in calories than butter--even vegan butter! Plus, this recipe also uses plant milk to keep it lighter and lower in calories than your typical cookies. And the best part is that you most likely have all these ingredients on hand at all times. This recipe just makes 12 cookies, you might need to double it if you are feeding a crowd.

6 tablespoons of brown sugar (can use a mix of white sugar, or sugar of choice)
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons plant milk (you may need to add an extra teaspoon of plant-milk at the end, depending on your milk or flour)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder (can sub baking soda, but sometimes baking soda leaves a bitter taste in the cookies)
1 cup white wheat flour (or all purpose flour, but you may need less plant-milk)
1/3-1/2 cup chocolate chips (depending on your preference) 

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees
2. Mix the sugar, milk, oil, salt, and vanilla together.
3. Then add the flour and baking powder. Mix until it becomes the consistency of play dough. You may need to add an additional teaspoon of milk.
4. Mix in the chocolate chips and form into 12 balls. Place on a baking sheet.
3. Bake for 10-12 minutes, let cool and serve immediately. These cookies are best served warm. 


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