Easy Lemon Pepper Pasta

high protein lemon pasta quick and easy Sep 21, 2024

Easy Lemon Pepper Pasta 
Serves: 4-6 • Total Time: 10 mins • FODMAP Rating: Low

I got this recipe from my sister in law--but I veganized it. The original recipe calls for 1/4 cup of olive oil (I swapped this with aquafaba--but if you love olive oil, you can use that instead). If you don't have aquafaba, you can easily just reserve some of the pasta water! And instead of nutritional yeast, the original recipe calls for 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese (and the original recipe also called for 1/2 of the salt because parmesan cheese is so salty). The original recipe also added chicken cooked with salt and lemon pepper. You can easily add tofu cooked with soy sauce and some lemon pepper instead. And make sure to buy protein pasta to make this a high protein recipe! To make this a complete meal, add a fruit and a veggie! This recipe goes great with broccoli! 


16 oz Angel Hair Protein Pasta

1/4 cup aquafaba (liquid from a can of chickpeas, or use some of the pasta water)

1/4 cup lemon juice (can sub lime juice if that is all you have!)

1 tablespoon basil leaves (fresh or dried. If using dried, you may want to use 1/2 tablespoon because the flavor is strong)

1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 1/2 teaspoons salt (lite salt if you have it)

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/4--1/2 cup nutritional yeast (adjust the amount depending on your taste preferences)


Cook pasta according to the directions on the package. While pasta is cooking, mix together the rest of the ingredients (except nutritional yeast) in a bowl. Once pasta is finished cooking, add the sauce and then sprinkle the nutritional yeast and mix everything together. 


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