Creamy Red Pepper Pasta

pasta southwest tofu scramble Jul 22, 2024

Creamy Red Pepper Pasta
Serves 4-6 • Total Time: 25 minutes: • FODMAP Rating: Medium

This recipe is perfect when you are in the mood for a creamy pasta, that is super easy to make. It has a very subtle flavor which make it a perfect dish for picky eaters (like my kids). And it's a great way to mix up the typical red or white pasta dishes.

Ingredients for the sauce
1 10oz jar of roasted red bell peppers--with the water
1/2 cup cashews (soaked beforehand so they are soft)
6 cherry tomatoes
2 small cloves of garlic 
1/2 16oz package of firm tofu
½ teaspoon smoked paprika
½ teaspoon salt

1 lb box of pasta of choice
Parsley to garnish

1.Cook the pasta according to the directions on the box.
2.Mix all the sauce ingredients together in a high speed blender. 
3.Add the sauce to the rinsed and drained hot pasta, garnish with parsley then serve!

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*FODMAP Swaps: leave out the garlic. Use 1/4 cup of tahini instead of cashews.


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