Chickpea Vanilla Ice-Cream

date sweetened healthy ice-cream oil free sugar free Jun 18, 2024

Chickpea Vanilla Ice-cream
Serves: 4 • Total Time 30 mins • FODMAP Rating: High

This has got to be the healthiest ice-cream on the planet. Not only is it creamy and delicious, it is PACKED with protein (66 grams per recipe or 16 grams a serving). You can make this in an ice-cream maker to save time (only takes about 25 minutes to freeze) or you can freeze it in a container overnight. It is sugar free, dairy free, and super amazingly good!

1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
3/4 cup pitted dates
1/2 cup almond butter
cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla


1. Blend all the ingredients together in a high speed blender

2. Place in an ice-cream maker and let it churn for 25 minutes, OR if you don't have an ice-cream maker, put in a freezer safe container and let sit over night. 

3. Scoop out your ice-cream and top with your favorite toppings (like chocolate chips) or enjoy as is!



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