Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

cauliflower mashed potatoes vegan side Apr 05, 2024
Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes

Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes
Serves 4-6 • Total Time: 30 mins • FODMAP rating: high

This can be a great way to introduce highly selective eaters to cauliflower. This recipe uses Bell’s Seasoning, however, a mix of rosemary and thyme can work as a substitute. Make a batch of mashed potatoes in a pressure cooker and have extras for the rest of the week.

3 cups or 2 large potatoes
3 cups or 1 head cauliflower
½ cup of vegetable broth
½ cup raw cashews, softened
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
salt to taste
1 teaspoon Bell’s Seasoning or rosemary and thyme
green onions for garnish

1.Chop and boil the vegetables either on the stovetop or place in the pressure cooker.
2.While the vegetables are cooking, blend the cashews with vegetable broth (or use vegetable bouillon paste with water) until smooth.
3.Blend the cauliflower in a food processor until smooth, and smash the potatoes with a potato masher or use a hand mixer to mix everything together in one pot.
4.Add potatoes and cauliflower to the pan then mix in garlic and onion powders, Bell’s Seasoning and salt to taste.
5.Garnish with green onions prior to serving.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*Nut-Free: Use softened sunflower seeds or tahini in place of cashews
*FODMAP Swaps: Use appropriate garlic and onion substitutions (see introduction) including the vegetable broth, which contains some as well; keep cauliflower portions to ⅛ cup and increase as tolerated; if using sweet potatoes keep portions under ⅔ cup and increase as tolerated; use just the greens of the green onions for garnish


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