BBQ Chick'n Sheet Pan Meal

bbq sheet pan meal soy curls Aug 16, 2024

BBQ Chick'n Sheet Pan Meal
Makes: 4 servings • Total Time: 30 mins • FODMAP rating: Low

This BBQ Chick'n Sheet Pan Meal is a game-changer for busy weeknights. Made with soy curls, this dish delivers all the smoky, tangy flavors you crave in a BBQ chicken meal, but in a healthier, plant-powered package. It's quick, easy, and packed with protein—perfect for feeding a crowd or meal-prepping for the week.

1 Sweet Potato, chopped
1/4 Red Cabbage, sliced
3-4 cups Soy Curls (about half a pound)
Your favorite BBQ Sauce
1-2  Broccoli heads, chopped (or Broccolini) 
1-2 teaspoons onion powder
1-2 teaspoons garlic powder

Optional: cilantro to garnish

1.Preheat the oven to 400 degrees(F).
2.Chop and place the sweet potato on a pan with salt and into the oven.
3.Rehydrate the soy curls in water for 10 minutes. Chop and prep the rest of the veggies while you wait. Then drain AND squeeze out ALL the excess water from the soy curls.
4. Add BBQ sauce to the soy curls (evenly cover). Take out the sweet potatoes from the oven, then place the rest of the veggies and soy curls on the sheet pan and return to oven to cook for 15 minutes. 
5. Remove from the oven and garnish with cilantro! You can add more BBQ sauce to the soy curls if desired. Serve as is, or over tortillas.  

*for lower FODMAP option, omit onion and garlic powder 


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