Artichoke Dip (WFPB & Dairy-Free!)

artichoke dip dairy-free dip vegan appetizer Apr 27, 2024
Artichoke Dip

Artichoke Dip
Makes: 2 cups • Total Time: 20 minutes • FODMAP rating: high

This dip is a crowd pleaser and will surprise everyone that it is purely made from whole plants and not ultra-processed like traditional artichoke dip. The cornstarch is the secret to making it gooey like cheese, so be sure not skip that step.

1 cup raw cashews, soaked
2 ½ cups water
¼ cup + 2 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon soy sauce or tamari
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder
1 (14 oz) canned artichoke hearts
1 (4 oz) can mild green chilis
1 ¼ cup or 10 oz boiled fresh or frozen spinach, optional

In a blender, add cashews (soaked for smoother texture), water, cornstarch, nutritional yeast, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, garlic powder, and onion powder and blend until smooth.
Add mixture into a saucepan, constantly stirring until it thickens.
Mix in artichoke hearts, chilis, and spinach.
Stir until well combined and pour into a serving bowl and serve with vegetables, chips, or crackers.

*Don’t forget to preload on veggies before you eat!
*Nut-Free: Soak sunflower seeds instead of cashews, which may alter flavor
*FODMAP Swap: Start with 10 cashews and fill the rest of the cup with sunflower seeds and increase cashew portions as tolerated; use appropriate substitutions for garlic and onion (see introduction) or start with ½ teaspoon of garlic and onion per serving and increase as tolerated; start with ⅓ cup portions of artichoke hearts and increase as tolerated


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