All Things Spring Side Salad

side salad Jul 11, 2024
All Things Spring Side Salad

All Things Spring Side Salad
Serve 4-6 • Total Time: 10 minutes • FODMAP rating: medium to high

This salad has all the produce that is ripe and ready to eat in the spring! Don’t underestimate the power of a simple drizzle of balsamic vinegar (or glaze) to act as the salad dressing for this recipe!

½ cup spinach & arugula salad mixture or other preferred greens
½ cup walnuts or sunflower seeds, chopped
½ cup edamame or peas
4-5 strawberries, chopped
4-5 mushrooms of choice, chopped
¼ cup green onion,diced
1 large carrot, shredded
½ cup red cabbage, diced
vegan feta crumbles, optional
balsamic vinegar or alternative dressing of choice

In a large bowl combine all ingredients and mix to evenly distribute ingredients. Drizzle with your favorite salad dressing.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*FODMAP Swaps: Greens have virtually no FODMAPs so be liberal with that part of the salad! Start with 1 mushroom and increase as tolerated or swap out for another vegetable like zucchini, eggplant, etc; use only the greens on green onions and keep cabbage servings to under ¾ cup and increase as tolerated


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