Vegetable Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce

spring roll vegetables Feb 05, 2024

Vegetable Spring Rolls with Peanut Sauce
Serves:4-6• Total Time:20 minutes • FODMAP rating: low to medium

This traditional Vietnamese dish is known as gỏi cuốn or nem cuốn, salad roll, summer roll, fresh spring roll, spring roll, rice paper roll. It can be customized to contain your favorite vegetables and great for group meals that include omnivores (shrimp and pork are traditional components). For a super quick peanut sauce use a 1:2 ratio of hoisin sauce and peanut butter and sesame oil or water to soften and mix, otherwise the peanut sauce below will be richer and have a more diverse profile of antioxidants.

Spring Rolls
1 green onion
¼ cup cilantro
1 bell pepper, preferably red
½ purple cabbage
sprouts, any variety
1 avocado
rice noodles
1 package of rice paper wrappers
fresh chives, optional

Peanut Sauce
½ cup peanut butter
2 tablespoons soy sauce or tamari
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons maple syrup
½ teaspoon minced garlic
6 tablespoons of milk or water
red pepper flakes, optional


1.Wash and cut all your vegetables, preferably in strips.
2.Prepare rice noodles per package instructions.
3.Have a large bowl or baking dish filled with water to submerge your rice paper wrapper in water.
4.Place your wrapper, which will be initially stiff, on a plate and add in a bit of each ingredient. As you do this, the rice paper will gradually soften.
5.Fold both end in and roll into a roll.

Peanut Sauce
1.Mix in a bowl, or small blender until smooth.
2.Can add plant-based milk or water to thin if needed or warm in the microwave for easy mixing.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*Nut-Free: Choose sunflower seed butter to the peanut sauce
*You can find rice wrapping paper and rice noodles (preferably a thin variety known as vermicelli) at Asian grocery stores, online or in the international aisle of a generic grocery store.
*FODMAP Swaps: Avoid whites of green onions, use an alternate color to red for peppers or use ¼ cup of pepper and increase as tolerated; keep purple cabbage servings under 1 ½ cups or use spring greens and/or spinach


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