Vegan Orange Creamsicle Shake

shake vegan smoothies Feb 13, 2024

Orange Creamsicle Shake
Makes 1• Total Time: 5 minutes • FODMAP rating: low to medium

Make a cold and refreshing snack with simple ingredients you probably already have and add vegetables without even trying!

1 banana, fresh or frozen
½ cup plant-based milk
3 tablespoons orange juice concentrate (basically one big scoop)
handful of ice
pure vanilla to taste, optional
a few pieces frozen cauliflower or ½ cup yellow squash, optional

Blend all ingredients together and serve immediately.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*FODMAP Swaps: Start with under ¾ cup serving portions of cauliflower and increase as tolerated; choose a more firm banana (closer to green and yellow with no spots) than a ripe one (yellow with spots).


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