Vegan Lemon Chocolate Chip Pancakes

began breakfast breakfast easy plant based snack pancakes vegan Dec 26, 2023

Lemon Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Makes 4 waffles or 8 pancakes • Total Time: 20 minutes • FODMAP rating: medium

Sweet and sour mixed together make the tastiest pancakes or waffles! These can be made ahead of time or batch cooked to freeze and reheat for a busy morning.

2 cups whole wheat flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon of salt
2 ½ cups plant-based milk
½ teaspoon pure vanilla
2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
zest from one lemon
½ cup dairy-free chocolate chips

In a bowl mix together flour, baking powder, and salad.
Add in plant-based milk, vanilla, lemon zest, lemon juice, and mix well.
Fold in chocolate chips and cook on a non-stick or sprayed pan/waffle maker.


*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*Gluten-Free: Try a nut-based flour or gluten-free flour
*FODMAP Swaps: Start with ⅔ cup whole wheat flour and use refined flour like all-purpose flour and increase portions of whole wheat as tolerated; keep soy milk under ½ cup and increase as tolerated


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