Vegan Coconut Cream Lime Pie

Nov 18, 2023
Vegan Coconut Cream Lime Pie

Vegan Coconut Cream Lime Pie
Serves: 6-8  • Total Time: 1 hour • FODMAP Rating: high 

This pie is a perfect blend of a creamy coconut cheesecake and a key lime pie. It will be a showcase favorite! It's made with delicious vegan ingredients. This pie is best served chilled. 

For the crust:
9 pitted medjool dates
1½ tablespoons water
¾ cup shredded coconut flakes
¾ cup almond flour
1 teaspoon coconut sugar
1 teaspoon nutritional yeast
½ teaspoon salt

For the cream filling:
1½ cups raw cashews
¾ cup coconut cream, not milk
½ cup maple syrup
½ cup lime juice or 4 limes
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch of salt
fruit, optional topping

1.Making the crust: Combine all the ingredients in a food processor until well mixed. If needed, spray to lightly grease the pie dish. 
2.Press crust into pan and let it chill in the freezer until firm.
3.Making the cream filling: Combine all the cream ingredients in the blender and mix until smooth. Pour into the frozen crust and place back into the freezer for about 30 minutes. 
4.Serve immediately or place in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Top with raspberries or strawberries for a beautiful garnish and topping.


*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*Nut-Free: Use chickpea flour in place of almond flour; swap out raw cashews for 1 cup of silken tofu
*FODMAP Swaps: Due to dates contributing to texture of the crust, swapping out dates for more coconut sugar (1:1 ratio)  and adding more water until you have a well formed crust consistency and texture would be the best swap; Silken tofu can be high in FODMAPs but not as high as cashews, make this swap but keep to recommended portion sizes

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