Delicious Vegan Oil-Free & Dairy-Free Microwave Popcorn 🍿

dairy free oil free popcorn Jun 14, 2024
An appealing image of a bowl of fluffy, freshly popped popcorn with a sprinkle of sea salt on top.

Delicious Vegan Oil-Free & Dairy-Free Microwave Popcorn 🍿

Looking for a healthy, quick, and delicious snack? Try this Vegan Oil-Free & Dairy-Free Microwave Popcorn! 🌿🍿 Ready in minutes, this easy recipe is perfect for movie nights or anytime you need a light, guilt-free treat. No oil, no dairy, just pure popcorn goodness!

¼- β…“ cup popcorn kernels
paper bag
toppings of choice

1.Put ¼-β…“ cup popcorn kernels into the paper bag. Fold down the top of the
bag a couple times.
2. Lay bag of kernels in the microwave and set for anywhere between 1
min 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The exact time will vary depending on your
microwave voltage. Listen for popping to slow down, about 1 pop every 3
seconds and then remove the bag of popped corn.

Topping ideas:
•Savory: Spray with Braggs Liquid Aminos and sprinkle with salt and
nutritional yeast
• Sweet: In a small microwave-safe dish, mix a little peanut butter, honey,
vanilla and salt in the microwave for 20-30 seconds or until peanut butter
is melted and honey is just bubbling. Pour the mixture over top of the
popcorn, tossing to popcorn to coat evenly.
•Simple: Spray olive oil on with an oil-sprayer and season with salt.
•Chocolate: After the popcorn is popped drizzle melted dairy-free
chocolate chips on top of popcorn.


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