Basic Green Smoothie

green smoothie Jan 09, 2025

Basic Green Smoothie
Serves: 2-3   Prep Time: 5 minutes  FODMAP Rating: Medium

Tweak this recipe to your liking. If it’s your first green smoothie, more fruit and juicehelps. If you are a green smoothie warrior, you can pack in the greens and use less fruitand just water—no juice.

1 banana, fresh or frozen
1-2 cups frozen fruit (mangoes, pineapple, cherries, berries are good ones)
2 large handful spinach or mixed power greens
1 thumb-sized nub fresh ginger root (optional)
2 cups water (or mix of apple or orange juice and water)
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, or plant protein powder

1. Blend everything together until smooth

FODMAP swap: keep banana consumption to less than ½ banana/mango per serving
*Don’t forget to preload on veggies before you eat!


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